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  • Writer's pictureKari Gregory

What does a Triathlon Training Plan look like?

Great question and here come the answers:

Any training plan involves conversation with the athlete(s) about goals for the events, why they want to do this and logistics of making it happen.

Coaches get to look at the athlete's skill set and how we can develop it further to reach those events.

The plan typically includes six workouts/week, with optional strength and core work. With my speciality in strength training, it may be worth a session or two to check on form and lay out specific exercises to help one see the start and finish lines.

Triathlete Within offers group training almost year-round and then workouts specific to an event. For example, I have training plans for several events/distances for the summer of 2020. You can jump into our Triathlete Within (TW) group for training or watch for other group workouts that will be presented as the season progresses.

I also have athletes looking for plans for the half-iron, 70.3 distance and full Ironman events. The details of the plans usually become more specific to ensure athletes can hit the mark with their lifestyles and adequate training.

These plans look manageable and achievable and successful. Ready? Contact me through this site and check out to meet Coaches Chris Lough and Jill Kirker.

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